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Bildergalerie: Neueste Bilder zu Anfang!?

Verfasst: So 13. Aug 2006, 10:48
von HeinerBremer
Guten Tag, ich nutze auf die bildergalerie aber möchte, dass die neuesten hochgeladenen nicht auf der letzten seite, sondern zugleich am anfang angezeigt werden, wie stell ich das ein?


Code: Alles auswählen

* Bildergalerie Input
* Author      :     Timo A. Hummel
* Copyright   :     four for business AG
* Created     :     30-09-2005

    <td><?php echo mi18n("Breite");?></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo "CMS_VAR[0]"; ?>" value="<?php echo "CMS_VALUE[0]"; ?>"></td>
    <td><?php echo mi18n("Höhe");?></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo "CMS_VAR[1]"; ?>" value="<?php echo "CMS_VALUE[1]"; ?>"></td>
    <td><?php echo mi18n("Spalten");?></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo "CMS_VAR[2]"; ?>" value="<?php echo "CMS_VALUE[2]"; ?>"></td>
    <td><?php echo mi18n("Zeilen");?></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo "CMS_VAR[3]"; ?>" value="<?php echo "CMS_VALUE[3]"; ?>"></td>
    <td><?php echo mi18n("Breite Detailansicht");?></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="<?php echo "CMS_VAR[4]"; ?>" value="<?php echo "CMS_VALUE[4]"; ?>"></td>
  $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT dirname FROM ".$cfg['tab']['upl']." ORDER BY dirname";
  echo '<tr><td>'.mi18n("Verzeichnis auswählen").'</td><td>
		<select name="CMS_VAR[5]" size="1" style="width: 320px">
			<option value="">'.mi18n("Nichts ausgewählt").'</option>';
			while ($db->next_record()) {
				if ( stristr($db->f("dirname"),'CVS/') === FALSE ) {
					if ($db->f("dirname")=="CMS_VALUE[5]") {
						echo '<option value="'.$db->f("dirname").'" selected="selected">'.$db->f("dirname").'</option>';
					} else {
						echo '<option value="'.$db->f("dirname").'">'.$db->f("dirname").'</option>';
	echo '</select></td></tr>';?>


Code: Alles auswählen

* Bildergalerie Output
* Author      :     Timo A. Hummel
* Copyright   :     four for business AG
* Created     :     30-09-2005

cInclude("includes", "functions.api.images.php");

/* Gallery variables */
$bRecursive = false;

$sPath = "CMS_VALUE[5]";
if ($sPath=='') {
	$sPath = $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . $cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["frontendpath"] . "bildergalerie/";
} else {
	$sPath = $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . $cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["frontendpath"] . "CMS_VALUE[5]";

$iRows = "CMS_VALUE[3]";

if ($iRows == 0)
  $iRows = 2;

$iColumns = "CMS_VALUE[2]";

if ($iColumns == 0)
  $iColumns = 2;

if (isset($start))
  $iCurrentPage = $start;
} else {
  $iCurrentPage = 1;

$iWidth = "CMS_VALUE[0]";
$iHeight = "CMS_VALUE[1]";

if ($iWidth == 0)
  $iWidth = 300;

if ($iHeight == 0)
  $iHeight = 300;

$iDetailWidth = "CMS_VALUE[4]";

if ($iDetailWidth == 0)
  $iDetailWidth = 300;

$aValidExtensions = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png");

$iImagesPerPage = $iRows * $iColumns;

if ($_REQUEST['view']=='') {
	/* Read all gallery files */
	$aGalleryFiles = scanDirectory($sPath, $bRecursive);
         if (is_array($aGalleryFiles))
	/* Filter out non-images */
	foreach ($aGalleryFiles as $key => $aGalleryFile)
	  $sExtension = strtolower(getFileExtension($aGalleryFile));
	  if (!in_array($sExtension, $aValidExtensions))
	/* Calculate effective variables */
	$iFileCount = count($aGalleryFiles);
	$iPages = ceil($iFileCount / $iImagesPerPage);
	$aImagesToDisplay = array_slice($aGalleryFiles, ($iCurrentPage - 1) * $iImagesPerPage, $iImagesPerPage);
	$oImageTpl = new Template;
	$oGalleryTpl = new Template;
	$oEmptyImageTpl = new Template;
	$aRenderedImages = array();
	$iRow = 0;
	$iImagesRendered = 0;
	foreach ($aImagesToDisplay as $sImageToDisplay)
	  /* Do Scaling */
	  $sScaledImage = cApiImgScale($sImageToDisplay, $iWidth, $iHeight);
	  $link = 'front_content.php?idcatart='.$idcatart.'&start='.$_REQUEST['start'].'&view='.urlencode(str_replace($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'],'',$sImageToDisplay));

	  $description = ig_getImageDescription($sImageToDisplay);
	  if ($description=='') {
	  	$description = '&nbsp;';
	  $download_link = str_replace($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'],$cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'],$sImageToDisplay);

	  $download_size = ig_GetReadableFileSize($sImageToDisplay);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "FILE", $sScaledImage);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "WIDTH", $iWidth);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "HEIGHT", $iHeight);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "LINK", $link);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "DESCRIPTION", $description);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "DOWNLOAD_LINK", $download_link);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "DOWNLOAD_SIZE", $download_size);
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "DOWNLOAD_CAPTION", mi18n("runter laden"));
	  $oImageTpl->set("s", "PREVIEW_CAPTION", mi18n("Bildvorschau"));
	  $aRenderedImages[] = $oImageTpl->generate($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/gallery_image.html", true, false);
	  if ($iImagesRendered == $iColumns)
	    $oGalleryTpl->set("d", "COLUMNS", implode("", $aRenderedImages));
	    $iImagesRendered = 0;
	    $aRenderedImages = array();
	if (count($aRenderedImages) < $iColumns && count($aRenderedImages) > 0)
	  $iEmptyCells = $iColumns - count($aRenderedImages);
	  $oEmptyImageTpl->set("s", "WIDTH", $iWidth);
	  $oEmptyImageTpl->set("s", "HEIGHT", $iHeight);
	  $sEmptyCells = str_repeat($oEmptyImageTpl->generate($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/gallery_empty.html", true, false),$iEmptyCells);
	  $oGalleryTpl->set("d", "COLUMNS", implode("", $aRenderedImages) . $sEmptyCells);
	$aLinks = array();
	if ($iCurrentPage > 1)
	  $oPreviousTpl = new Template;
	  $oPreviousTpl->set("s", "LINK", $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"] . sprintf("front_content.php?idcatart=%s&start=%s", $idcatart, $iCurrentPage - 1));
	  $oPreviousTpl->set("s", "TITLE", mi18n("Zurück"));
	  $aLinks[] = $oPreviousTpl->generate($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/gallery_link.html", true, false);
	if ($iCurrentPage < $iPages)
	  $oNextTpl = new Template;
	  $oNextTpl->set("s", "LINK", $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"] . sprintf("front_content.php?idcatart=%s&start=%s", $idcatart, $iCurrentPage + 1));
	  $oNextTpl->set("s", "TITLE", mi18n("Vor"));
	  $aLinks[] = $oNextTpl->generate($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/gallery_link.html", true, false);
	$oGalleryTpl->set("s", "NAVIGATION", implode("", $aLinks));
	$oGalleryTpl->generate($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/gallery.html", false, false);
} else {
	$sImageToDisplay = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'].$_REQUEST['view'];
	$sScaledImage = cApiImgScale($sImageToDisplay, $iDetailWidth, 1000);

    $description = ig_getImageDescription($sImageToDisplay);
	if ($description=='') {
	  $description = '&nbsp;';

    $download_link = str_replace($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'],$cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'],$sImageToDisplay);

	$download_size = ig_GetReadableFileSize($sImageToDisplay);
	$oImageTpl = new Template;
	$oImageTpl->set("s", "IMG",$sScaledImage);
	$oImageTpl->set("s", "BACKLINK",'front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&start='.$_REQUEST['start']);
	$oImageTpl->set("s", "BACKCAPTION",mi18n("Zurück"));
    $oImageTpl->set("s", "DESCRIPTION", $description);
    $oImageTpl->set("s", "DOWNLOAD_LINK", $download_link);
	$oImageTpl->set("s", "DOWNLOAD_SIZE", $download_size);
	$oImageTpl->set("s", "DOWNLOAD_CAPTION", mi18n("runter laden"));
	$oImageTpl->generate($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"] . "templates/gallery_detail.html", false, false);

function ig_getImageDescription($idupl){

	global $cfg, $cfgClient, $db, $client, $lang;
    $cApiClient = new cApiClient($client);
	$language_separator = $cApiClient->getProperty('language','separator');
		//ID is a number 
		$query = "SELECT description FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["upl"]." WHERE idupl = ".$idupl;
		//ID is a string
		$path_parts = pathinfo($idupl);
		$upload = $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['frontendpath'];
		$len = strlen($upload);
		$pos = strpos($idupl,$upload);
		$dirname = substr($path_parts['dirname'],$pos+$len).'/';
		$query = "SELECT description FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["upl"]." WHERE (dirname = '".$dirname."') AND (filename='".$path_parts['basename']."') AND (filetype='".$path_parts['extension']."')";
		return htmlspecialchars(urldecode($db->f("description")));
		return '';

function ig_GetReadableFileSize($path) {
	$filesize = filesize($path);
	$unit = "bytes";
	if ($filesize > 1024) {
	$filesize = ($filesize / 1024);
	$unit = "kB"; }
	if ($filesize > 1024) {
	$filesize = ($filesize / 1024);
	$unit = "MB"; }
	if ($filesize > 1024) {
	$filesize = ($filesize / 1024);
	$unit = "GB"; }
	if ($filesize > 1024) {
	$filesize = ($filesize / 1024);
	$unit = "TB"; }
	$filesize = round($filesize, 0);
	return $filesize." ".$unit;

Verfasst: So 13. Aug 2006, 11:31
von php0815
Ich würde auf die schnelle die Array Sotierung von aImagesToDisplay umdrehen.

Verfasst: So 13. Aug 2006, 11:43
von xmurrix

probier einfach die Liste der Dateien zu sortieren. Vor der Schleife:

Code: Alles auswählen

foreach ($aImagesToDisplay as $sImageToDisplay)
folgenden Code einfügen:

Code: Alles auswählen

foreach ($aImagesToDisplay as $sImageToDisplay) {
    // datum letzte änderung
    $mtime = filemtime($sImageToDisplay);
    // temporäre liste
    $aSort[$mtime] = $sImageToDisplay;
// liste der bilder zurücksetzen
// sortieren der temporären liste (absteigend)
ksort($aSort, SORT_NUMERIC);
// liste der bilder neu setzen, array_reverse kehrt die absteigende sortierung um
$aImagesToDisplay = array_reverse($aSort, true);
Sollte eigentlich so funktionieren, habe es aber nicht getestet...


Verfasst: So 13. Aug 2006, 18:58
von HeinerBremer
okay werde das mal so testen vielen dank!